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موضوع : زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی
زبان مقاله: انگلیسی

موارد یافت شده: 469

1 - A Historical Profile of Persian Loan Words in the English Language (چکیده)
2 - The Bell Jar; A Study in Characterization, figure (چکیده)
3 - From Text to Context : An Objective Analysis of the Language of J>D Salinger (چکیده)
4 - Task-Based Creative Writing through Visual Advertisement: AChange of Attitude (چکیده)
5 - Examining the Relationship among Sense of Self-efficacy, Teaching experience and beliefs about classroom management: A case of Iranian EFL teachers (چکیده)
6 - Politeness Strategies in English Business Letters: a Comparative Study of Native and Non-Native Speakers of English (چکیده)
7 - Metadiscourse Analysis of the Extraverted-Introverted L2 Learners’ Oral Production (چکیده)
8 - On the relationship between cognitive style (field-dependence/independence) and translation achievement of Iranian translation students (چکیده)
9 - The Relationship between Iranian EFL Teachers' Gender and their Pedagogical Success as Evaluated by Learners (چکیده)
10 - Cultural and Social Intelligences and Their Relationship to the Ability of Student Translators When Translating Cultural and Social Texts (چکیده)
11 - Home Culture Attachment and Comprehending L2 Written Texts: A Study on EFL learners in Iran (چکیده)
12 - The Relationship between English Learning Anxiety and the Students' Achievement on Examinations (چکیده)
13 - The Nature of Metacognitive Awareness in Foreign Language Learners and Its Interaction with Creativity (چکیده)
14 - Designing and validating a language teacher attribution scale: a structural equation modeling approach (چکیده)
15 - On the relationship between locus of control and translation achievement of Iranian translation students (چکیده)
16 - The Comparison of Language Learning Strategies and Reading Comprehension of Iranian EFL Students Taking Web-based and Face-to-face Instruction (چکیده)
17 - The Difference between Translation and Literature Students in Literary Translation Quality (چکیده)
18 - On the Relationship between Literary Intelligence and Literary Translation: A Study on non-Translation Students (چکیده)
19 - A Comparative Study of Speech Act of Ordering: A Case Study in English language between English native speakers and Iranian EFL learners (چکیده)
20 - Alienation and Destructed Dreams in David Mamet's American Buffalo: A Sociological Approach (چکیده)
21 - The Concept of Meta-theatre in Albee’s The Sandbox and The Zoo Story (چکیده)
22 - Critical Discourse Analysis and the Translation of Idiomatic Expressions: A Case Study of The Catcher in the Rye (چکیده)
23 - Desperate Housewives in Albee’s Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf (چکیده)
24 - The Intertextuality of Famous Figures in IRIB Advertisements (چکیده)
25 - Recontextualization of Williams’s A Streetcar Named Desire in Tavakoli’s Stranger [Biganeh] (چکیده)
26 - Pieces of Shakespeare in Iran’s State TV Sitcom: Kolah Ghermezi on Stage (چکیده)
27 - Product Norms of Website Localization into Persian (چکیده)
28 - Evaluating the pedagogic value of multiword expressions based on EFL teachers’ and advanced learners’ value judgments (چکیده)
29 - Discursive Psychology in Language Education: Cases of Home Culture Attachment and World Englishes (چکیده)
30 - Emotioncy in Language Education: From Exvolvement to Involvement (چکیده)
31 - Cohesion Shifts and Explicitation in English Texts and Their Persian Translations: A Case Study of Three Novels (چکیده)
32 - Development and Validation of a Cultural Dimensions Scale (CDS) and Its Application in an Iranian Context (چکیده)
33 - English Language Policy and Teacher Effectiveness at Grade Three Senior High Schools (چکیده)
34 - Constructing and Validating a Scale to Measure the Role of Factors Affecting EFL learners’ Moral Competency (چکیده)
35 - Cultural Orientations of Iranian English Translation Students: Do Gender and Translation Quality Matter (چکیده)
36 - The relationship between metacognitive strategy training and willingness to read in English among medical students (چکیده)
37 - Technology and the Future of Iran`s English Language Teaching (چکیده)
38 - Schema-based English achievement and teacher effectiveness (چکیده)
39 - A Cross-contextual Analysis of EFL Learners’ Perceptions of Classroom Activities (چکیده)
40 - Investigating the Relationship between Iranian EFL Learners' Cultural Intelligence and their Home Cultural Attachment (چکیده)
41 - Literature and Translation Studies: Domestication and Foreignization Strategies indealing with Culture-Specific-Items in the Translations of Two English Novels (چکیده)
42 - A Tireless Experimenter in Modern Drama (چکیده)
43 - Teaching Drama through Performance and Role-playing (چکیده)
44 - Delving into the Speech Act of Accusation: A Case of Persian and English Newspapers and Magazines (چکیده)
45 - The Impact of Employing Imposed Images and Visualization Practices on EFL Learners’ Grammatical Achievement: A Generative-Based Learning Approach (چکیده)
46 - Uncovering the relationship between EFL teachers' big five personality traits and their self-concet (چکیده)
47 - The Impact of Illustrations on Recall of Short Stories (چکیده)
48 - Similar Portrayal of Two Invulnerable Heroes in Homer’s Iliad and Ferdowsi's Shahnameh (چکیده)
49 - An investigation of the most Flow Inducing Genres (چکیده)
50 - An exploration of EFL teachers’ attributions (چکیده)
51 - Social and Religious Functions Performed by the Ritual Speech Act of “ya Allah” in Iranian Interactions (چکیده)
52 - A mixed methods analysis of EFL teachers' self-regulated strategies and burnout (چکیده)
53 - Narrative Intelligence and EFL Teachers' Self-regulation (چکیده)
54 - The impact of vocabulary knowledge on reading comprehension ability of Iranian English learners receiving reciprocal teaching and cooperative grouping intervention program (چکیده)
55 - Willingness to Communicate in English: A Microsystem Model in the Iranian EFL Classroom Context (چکیده)
56 - Iranian EFL teachers' major personality types and teaching attitudes (چکیده)
57 - The Impacts of Open/closed Body Positions and Postures on Learners’ Moods (چکیده)
58 - A study of contextual precursors of burnout among EFL teachers (چکیده)
59 - The Impact ogf Attending EFL Classes on the Iranian Female Learners' Attributional Complexity (چکیده)
60 - Translation as a Profession in Iran from a Sociological Perspective (چکیده)
61 - A Critical Review of the Role of Translator's Critical Reading and Pragmatic Function of (چکیده)
62 - Socio-Cultural and Technical Issues in Non-Expert Dubbing: A Case Study (چکیده)
63 - The Impact of Linguistic Imperialism on Iranian EFL Learners' Home Culture Detachment (چکیده)
64 - Manipulation in Translation: A Case Study of Milan Kundera’s Three novels (چکیده)
65 - Probing ELT Along a Two-way Road: An Interview with Prof. Reza Pishghadam (چکیده)
66 - Getting the Knack of It: Reading and Writing Poetry as a Resource for Language Teaching for EFL Students (چکیده)
67 - Introducing Threshold Concepts in ELT: Research-insight as Illustration (چکیده)
68 - Multimodal Representation of Blood Imagery in Shakespeare’s Macbeth (چکیده)
69 - Gender and Language in Coetzee's Foe: A Psychoanalytic Postcolonial Analysis (چکیده)
70 - Development and validation of a questionnaire on EFL teachers’ attitudes towards classroom observation (چکیده)
71 - Language Teachers’ Conceptions of Intelligence and their Roles in Teacher Care and Teacher Feedback (چکیده)
72 - Identity Statuses Scale in EFL Settings: A Case of Formal and Informal Contexts (چکیده)
73 - The Correlation of IQ and Emotional Intelligence with Reading Comprehension (چکیده)
74 - A critical look into Iranian EFL University Students' Critical Thinking and Argumentative Writing (چکیده)
75 - The Effect of Gender in Persian Translations (چکیده)
76 - The Impact of Content Based Instruction on Students' Achievemnet in ESP courses & their Language Learning Orientation (چکیده)
77 - Attitude of Iranian Graduate Students toward English: A Case Study (چکیده)
78 - Construction and Validation of EFL Learners’ Attitudes toward English Pronunciation (LATEP): A Structural Equation Modeling Approach (چکیده)
79 - Probing the Predictive Power of Cultural Intelligence on Iranian EFL learners' performance on IELTS writing test (چکیده)
80 - Linguistic-bound or Life-wise Language Teaching Beliefs: A Mixed Methods Approach (چکیده)
81 - Changes and Challenges of Literacy Practices: A Case of a Village in Iran (چکیده)
82 - A comparative analysis of two English translations of Ya Seen (Q.36): A schema-based approach (چکیده)
83 - Parenting styles and their relationships with pre-school children’s first language proficiency (چکیده)
84 - Exploring the relationship between fluid intelligence and language proficiency: Correlational approach (چکیده)
85 - The effect of schema-vs-translation-based teaching on learning English in high schools (چکیده)
86 - Factors Underlying the Attributes and Behaviours of Best Motivating Teachers: A Student Perspective (چکیده)
87 - The Translation Construed by Students in Translator Training Programs in Iran (چکیده)
88 - Categorization of the Fiction Translation Expectancy Norms to Iranian Undergraduate Readership (چکیده)
89 - Parents’ Conceptual Involvement in their Children’s Education: An Assessment-oriented View (چکیده)
90 - Conjured-Up Reality Shattered: Examining the “Uncertain” Ideology Underlying Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour” (چکیده)
91 - Commands among English Speakers and Iranian speakers (چکیده)
92 - Charting the uncharted: A corpus analysis of newspaper advertisements by international companies in the Islamic Republic of Iran (چکیده)
93 - Construction, Validation, and Application of a Teacher Status Scale (TSS): A Case of Iranian Junior High School Teachers (چکیده)
94 - The Effect of Portfolio Assessment on EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension and Motivation (چکیده)
95 - Construction and Validation of the Translation Teacher Competency Test (TTCT) (چکیده)
96 - Translation of Taboos in Dubbed American Crime Movies into Persian (چکیده)
97 - The Study of Translation Strategies of English Idioms in Children's Literary Books (چکیده)
98 - Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) for Language Teachers: Revalidation of an NLP Scale (چکیده)
99 - A tripartite model of EFL teacher attributions, burnout,and self regulation:toward the prospects of effictive teaching (چکیده)
100 - Iranian university students ` conceptions of assessment: Using assessment to self-improve (چکیده)
101 - Construction and Validation of Critical Understanding of the Global Spread of English Scale (CUGSES) (چکیده)
102 - Development and Validation of the Student Stroke Scale and Examining its Relation with Academic Motivation (چکیده)
103 - Discourse & National Identities Construction: Case Studies of EFL Learners & Teachers at Private Language Schools (چکیده)
104 - Burnout and teaching style among Iranian English language educators in public schools and private institutes: A cross-comparison study (چکیده)
105 - Qualitative Study of Iranian English University Entrance examination in light of positive washback strategies (چکیده)
106 - A Descriptive Overview of Pronunciation Instruction in Iranian High Schools (چکیده)
107 - Constructing and validating the self-efficacy scale for English language learners’ textbooks through Rasch measurement model (چکیده)
108 - Exploring Stance and Engagement Features in Discourse Analysis Papers (چکیده)
109 - A Socio-Cultural Study of Language Teacher Status (چکیده)
110 - Is Reading Mistreated in a Translation Class? (چکیده)
111 - The Impact of Recast versus Prompts on the Grammatical Accuracy of Iranian EFL Learners‟ Speech (چکیده)
112 - Social Conceptions of Intelligence and their Influence on English Language Teacher Care (چکیده)
113 - Attention to Indications to Embedded Ideologies in Discourse across Translation Educational Levels and Gender (چکیده)
114 - Towards a Contrastive Pragmatic Analysis of Congratulation Speech Act in Persian and English (چکیده)
115 - Students' educational level and their goal choices, self-efficacy, motivation, and writing performance (چکیده)
116 - The Role of Goal setting Theory on Iranain EFL Learners' Motivation (چکیده)
117 - The Role of Single-sex and Mixed-sex Context on Iranian Students' Willingness to communicate (چکیده)
118 - Examining the relationships between willingness tocommunicate in English, communication confidence and classroom environment (چکیده)
119 - Cultural Intelligence and Writing Ability: Delving into Fluency, Accurasy and Complexity (چکیده)
120 - The Relationship Between Metacognitive Awareness and Test-Taking Strategies and Their Effects on Test Performance of Iranian EFL learners (چکیده)
121 - The Relationship between Logical, Naturalist Intelligences and Learning Grammar for EFL Learners at Elementary Level (چکیده)
122 - Educational Language Learning Textbooks:A New Outlook on Materials Development (چکیده)
123 - Developing a Writing Strategy Model for Iranian Context (چکیده)
124 - The Adaptation(S) of Adaptation In Fractal Paintings of Farshchian as Fine-Popular Art (چکیده)
125 - World Wide Web and Intertextual Postmodernism in Media (چکیده)
126 - Reading the Positive Side of Narcissism as Disorder in the Confessional Art of Ginsberg and Kahlo (چکیده)
127 - Paradise Lost(s) as a Hypertextual Archetype in Milton’s Paradise Lost and Tykwer’s Heaven (چکیده)
128 - The Relationship Between Self-Efficacy Beliefs, Locus of control and Reading Comprehension Ability of Iranian EFL Advance Learners (چکیده)
129 - Investigation of ideological orientations in the translation of children’s literature: A CDA approach (چکیده)
130 - Investigating cross-linguistic differences in refusal speech act among native Persian and English speakers (چکیده)
131 - Tennessee Williams in the 50s: A Mirror of Competing Discourses (چکیده)
132 - A Cross-Disciplinary Move Analysis of Research Article Abstracts (چکیده)
133 - Power Play and the Space in ‘Feminist . . . Male Directors’ (چکیده)
134 - Desiging and Developing a Native Checklist to Evaluate General English Coures books (چکیده)
135 - Book Review of Critical Readings in Translation Studies, 2010, Edited by Mona Baker, Routledge (چکیده)
136 - A Translation Criticism: A Critical Study of Discourse in Translation (چکیده)
137 - The Role of Topic in EFL Learner s Reading Comprehension and Recall (چکیده)
138 - The Role of Conjunctions in EFL Learners Narrative Development (چکیده)
139 - A Corolational Study of EFL Learners Ambiguity Tolerance and Acculturation in Receptive Skills (چکیده)
140 - EIL,Variations and native speaker s model (چکیده)
141 - Lexical bundles in research article acknowledgments: A corpus comparison (چکیده)
142 - An Analysis of Lexical Bundles in Research Article Abstracts by Iranian and Native English-speaking Authors of Applied Linguistics Articles (چکیده)
143 - The Sequence of Modules: A Facet in Language Proficiency Testing (چکیده)
144 - Emotion-Based Language Instruction (EBLI) as a new perspective in bilingual education (چکیده)
145 - Comparatve Effects of Recast & Metalinguistic Corrective Feedback in Processing Instruction Versus Meaningfull Output Instruction on hte Acquistion of Camparative & Superlative Adjectives (چکیده)
146 - A Comparison of Genre: Biological Science Research Article Abstracts by Iranian and Native English-Speaking Scholars (چکیده)
147 - Soft Spots of English Language Teachers in Private Language Schools in Mashhad (چکیده)
148 - Examining the Relationship between Willingness to Communicate in English , Communication confidence and classroom Environment (چکیده)
149 - Cultural Differences in Commands among Iranians and English natives (چکیده)
150 - The Effect of Musical Dialogue on EFL Learners’ Syllabic Stuttering (چکیده)
151 - The Interface of Tradition and Modernity: Ideological Manipulation of Translators (چکیده)
152 - An Investigation into Iranian EFL Learners level of Writing Self-efficacy (چکیده)
153 - مقایسه سازه‌های پرسشنامه ویژگی‌های مدرسان موفق زبان با مدرسان موفق ترجمه (چکیده)
154 - Pragmatic Transfer in L2 Speech Behaviors: A Cross-cultural Study (چکیده)
155 - The Analysis of the relationship between gender, the theoretical Knowledge of of translation and practical skills (چکیده)
156 - The Analysis of the Relationship between the Theoretical Knowledge of Translators and Their Practical Translation Skills: An Evaluation of Graduate Translation Courses (چکیده)
157 - Cultural capital and English language achievement at grade three in Iranian high schools (چکیده)
158 - Development and Validation of an English Language Policy Inventory within a Foreign Context (چکیده)
159 - Motivations underlying English language learning and achievement (چکیده)
160 - Cognitive styles and fluid intelligence: Are they related? (چکیده)
161 - Translation Industry in the Light of Complexity Science: A Case of Iranian Context (چکیده)
162 - Foreign language identity and English achievement at a specific educational level (چکیده)
163 - Foreign language achievement and its relation to teacher effectiveness and personality (چکیده)
164 - Exploring the role of anxiety and motivation in foreign language achievement: A structural equation modeling approach (چکیده)
165 - Logical-mathematical intelligence and its relationship with English language proficiency (چکیده)
166 - Top peer pressure and academic achievement within a domain controlled field (چکیده)
167 - Using Rasch to Validate a Measure of English Language Teacher Prejudice (چکیده)
168 - Validating the Persian Integrated Spiritual Intelligence Scale within an Islamic Context (چکیده)
169 - Textual Analysis of an English Dentistry Textbook and Its Persian Translation: A Schema-Based Approach (چکیده)
170 - Reliability and Construct Validity of Factors Underlying the Emotional Intelligence of Iranian EFL Teachers (چکیده)
171 - Authenticity and Sampling in C-Tests: A schema-Based and Statistical Response to Grotjahn’s Critique (چکیده)
172 - Exploring the Relationship Between Foreign Language Proficiency and Cultural Intelligence (چکیده)
173 - Schema theory and categorization of student and teacher metaphors (چکیده)
174 - Gender and Field of Study and Performance on an English Language Proficiency Test (چکیده)
175 - Age and Educational Level and Their Relationship with Religious Orientation (چکیده)
176 - The Perception-Practicum Interface Revisited: Life-wise Language Teaching Perceptions and Teacher Burnout (چکیده)
177 - Conceptions of Assessment and Teacher Burnout (چکیده)
178 - The Implicit Instruction of Grammar via Pictures: A Technique to Improve Writing and Speaking Abilities of Iranian Elementary EFL Learners (چکیده)
179 - Sympathy is Aroused for the Avenger (چکیده)
180 - Demographics of English Translation Program: A Case Study of Iranian Undergraduates (چکیده)
181 - The Place of Translation Technologies in Iranian Translator Training Programs (چکیده)
182 - Exploring Ideological Discourse Structures in English and Persian Translator Education (چکیده)
183 - Versatility in Cross-Cultural Variations of Personification (چکیده)
184 - Specifying the Underlying Constructs of Home Culture Attachment Scale (چکیده)
185 - exploring the language of informal English text messages (چکیده)
186 - Social Intelligence and Language Proficiency: Are They Related (چکیده)
187 - Life-wise Language Learning Textbooks: Construction and Validation of an Emotional Abilities Scale through Rasch Modeling (چکیده)
188 - Self-efficacy and Motivation among Iranian EFL Learners: An Investigation into their Relationships (چکیده)
189 - A New Look into the Construct Validity of the IELTS Speaking Module (چکیده)
190 - Exploring Language Learners’ Cognitive Processes in On-line ESP Courses via Think-aloud Protocol A (چکیده)
191 - Relationship Between EFL Learners’ Computer Anxiety and Their Preferred Feedback Method(s) in Writing (چکیده)
192 - Vocabulary Learning Strategies Employed By Iranian EFL Learners And Their Relations to Listening Performance (چکیده)
193 - Social Constructivism in English and Persian Translation Class (چکیده)
194 - EFL Competence, Translation Competence, or Translator Competence: An Unfortunate Compromise (چکیده)
195 - Responses to Unfounded Accusation across Cultures (چکیده)
196 - The mystery of invulnerability: Greek and Persian myths on invulnerable heroes (چکیده)
197 - Incidental vocabulary acquisition: The effect of reading and listening to stories on vocabulary Acquisition of Iranian EFL Students (چکیده)
198 - The Relation between Paragraph Organization and Topic Progression in Paragraphs Written By EFL Students. (چکیده)
199 - The translation of verbal humor: Possible or impossible? (چکیده)
200 - The impact of practicing analysis/synthesis on EFL learners critical thinking and reading comprehension skills (چکیده)
201 - Generative learning revisited: The impact of metacognitive awareness on EFL learners' reading comp. ability (چکیده)
202 - Designing and Validating a Scale on English Language Teacher Perfectionism (چکیده)
203 - The Predictive Power of Vocabulary Breadth & Depth, and Syntactic Knowledge in Reading Comprehension Performance of Iranian Advanced EFL Students. (چکیده)
204 - African Americans and Reconceptualization of Identity: Black Participation in World War I and the Rise of the New Negro Consciousness (چکیده)
205 - Pinpointing the classifiers of English language writing ability: A discriminant function analysis approach (چکیده)
206 - Designing and Validating a Comprehensive Scale of English Language Teachers’ Attributes and Establishing its Relationship with Achievement (چکیده)
207 - Teachers’ Feedback on EFL Students’ Writings: A Linguistic or Life Syllabus Perspective (چکیده)
208 - Constructing and Validating Computerized Assessment of L2 Reading Comprehension (چکیده)
209 - A Pioneer in Off-Off Broadway Drama (چکیده)
210 - Insight from EMT for Translator Training in Iran (چکیده)
211 - The Role of Narrative Intelligence in English Language Teaching, Major and Gender (چکیده)
212 - Roles of Linguistic Knowledge, Metacognitive Knowledge and Metacognitive Strategy Use In Speaking and Listening Proficiency of Iranian EFL Learners (چکیده)
213 - The Effect of Situational Identification of Teacher’s Scaffolding on Students’ Better Language Use: A Case Study Based on Speaking Skill on AD Students of Asrar Institute of Higher Education, Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
214 - Avoidance of Phrasal Verbs in Learner English: A Study of Iranian Students (چکیده)
215 - Creativity and its Relationship with Teacher Success (چکیده)
216 - Teaching Language to the Brain; Orchestrating Learneers Mind (چکیده)
217 - Intelligence and Metacognition as Predictors of Foreign Language Achievement: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach (چکیده)
218 - Discourse and Commodified Identities Construction: Case Studies of Iranian EFL Learners and Teachers at Private Language Schools (چکیده)
219 - The coronotopical nature of identity construction: Case studies of narrative identities of EFL teachers (چکیده)
220 - Educational Therapy: On the Importance of Second Language Communication on Overcoming Depression (چکیده)
221 - Introducing and Exemplifying English for Life Purposes (ELP) as a New Concept in English Language Teaching (چکیده)
222 - EFL Learner’s Evaluation of Writing Tasks in Iran’s TOEFL and IELTS Preparation Courses in Light of the Process-oriented Approach (چکیده)
223 - Language Teaching and Iranian EFL Learners: Restrictions in Verb Selection and Errors (چکیده)
224 - Language Learning and Literature: EFL Students and Learning plays through Performance (چکیده)
225 - Writers’ Stance-taking in EFL Articles: A Case of Persian, English and EFL Speakers (چکیده)
226 - Opening up a New Pathway to the Future of ELT: Construction and Validation of a Scale for the Measuremen of L2 Teachers’ Life -Responsive Language Teaching Perceptionst of L2 Teachers’ (چکیده)
227 - سابقه ی تدریس و تغییر در هویت های ملی، مذهبی و غربی: مطالعه ی کیفی (چکیده)
228 - General English University Students’ Self-efficacy and their Achievement (چکیده)
229 - Establishing a Life-Language Model of Proficiency: A New Challenge for Language Testers (چکیده)
230 - The Effect of Portfolio and Self Assessment on Writing Ability and Autonomy (چکیده)
231 - Emotional Intelligence and Its Relationship with English Teaching Effectiveness (چکیده)
232 - Parent Education and High School Achievement in English as a Foreign Language (چکیده)
233 - Designing and Validating a Scale Measuring Cultural Capitals of Iranian University Students Majoring in English (چکیده)
234 - The Impact of Concept Mapping on EFL Learners' Critical Thinking Ability (چکیده)
235 - Validity and Tests Developed on Reduced Redundancy, Language Components and Schema Theory (چکیده)
236 - Foreign Language Identity and its Relationship with Travelling and Educational Level (چکیده)
237 - Field-Dependence/Independence Cognitive Style and Performance on the IELTS Listening Comprehension (چکیده)
238 - Eeploring The Relationships Between Engelish Teachers’ Effectiveness and Their Personality (چکیده)
239 - A Critical Look into Critical Pedagogy (چکیده)
240 - Analyzing research article introductions by Iranian and native English-speaking authors of Applied Linguistics (چکیده)
241 - Exploring the Relationship between Creativity and Burnout among Iranian EFL Teachers (چکیده)
242 - Contrastive Analysis of out-of-context translation of Farsi Adjectives (چکیده)
243 - Attribution Theory , personality traits, and gender differnce among EFL learners (چکیده)
244 - Cognitive Styles and Performance on Schema-based Cloze Multiple Choice Item Tests: A Fairness Issue (چکیده)
245 - Stonequist’s Concept of “The Marginal Man” in Langston Hughes’ Play Mulatto (چکیده)
246 - An Investigation into Teachers’ Feedback on Learners’ Errors: Gender and Teacher Experience (چکیده)
247 - Crossing the threshold of Iranian TEFL (چکیده)
248 - Analysis of English language textbooks in the light of English as an International Language (EIL): A comparative study (چکیده)
249 - Sociological and Psychological Model of Foreign Language Achievement: Examining Social/Cultural Capital and Cognitive/Metacognitive Aspects (چکیده)
250 - Factorial Validation of a Writing Self-regulation Scale: With and without Acceptably Cross Loading Items (چکیده)
251 - Schema-Based Instruction: A Novel Approach to Teaching English to Iranian University Students (چکیده)
252 - Teaching General English in Academic Context: Schema Based or Translation Based Approach? (چکیده)
253 - Validity and C-Tests: The Role of Text Authenticity (چکیده)
254 - Construct Validation of a Modified Religious Orientation Scale within an Islamic Context (چکیده)
255 - Formulaic Sequences and Their Relationship with Speaking and Listening Abilities (چکیده)
256 - Hybrid Modeling of Intelligence and Linguistic Factors as Predictors of L2 Writing Quality: A SEM Approach (چکیده)
257 - Culture and Education: Bringing to Light the Views of Iranian Students of English, French and Arabic Majors towards Learning and Teaching (چکیده)
258 - Rhetorical patterns of argumentation in EFL journals of Persian and English (چکیده)
259 - Teaching and Learning:Learning a foreign language and its Influence on the Identity of EFL Students (چکیده)
260 - Investigating condolence responses in English and Persian (چکیده)
261 - Use of Myth(s) in Postmodern American Drama Case Study: the Plays of Sam Shepard (چکیده)
262 - Conceptions of Assessment among Iranian EFL Teachers (چکیده)
263 - A Clever and Witty Genre in the World of Prose Literature (چکیده)
264 - It Might Have Been a Slip of Tongue: Iranian EFL Teachers’ Reaction to their Colleagues’ Linguistic Goofs (چکیده)
265 - The role of performance in teaching short story to EFL students (چکیده)
266 - The Esemplastic Power of Thematic Imagery in Shakespeare’s Venus and Adonis (چکیده)
267 - identification of moves of informal internet-based chats between Iranian EFL teenagers and foreigners (چکیده)
268 - Theraapeutic Application of Teacher s Self-disclosure on the Reduction of Student s Foreign Language Classroom AnxietyT (چکیده)
269 - Examining the Relationship between Translation Students‟ Locus of Control and Their Translation Achievement (چکیده)
270 - development and validation of a translation test (چکیده)
271 - Attribution Theory and Personality Traits among EFL Learners (چکیده)
272 - Socio-imposed Theory of Language Proficiency and its Application in Iran (چکیده)
273 - Critical discourse analysis and critical thinking: An experimental study in an EFL context (چکیده)
274 - Exploring Metadiscourse Markers in Persian News Reports (چکیده)
275 - Factors Underlying Religious Orientation Scale: A Methodological Approach (چکیده)
276 - Interactional Metadiscourse in English and Persian Research Articles; A Contrastive Rhetoric Study (چکیده)
277 - Vocabulary learning through input and output tasks: Investigating the Involvement Load Hypothesis (چکیده)
278 - Applied ELT as a Panacea for Linguistic Imperialism (چکیده)
279 - Linguistic Democracy in English Language Teaching (چکیده)
280 - Narrative intelligence and pedagogical success in English (چکیده)
281 - The Effect of Text-Based Direct Vocabulary Instruction On Vocabulary Acquisition (چکیده)
282 - Educational Language Teaching: A New Movement beyond Reflective/Critical Teaching (چکیده)
283 - Exploring Iranian University Students Beliefs about Professors Roles: A Quantitative Study (چکیده)
284 - Beliefs about Language Learning and Strategy Use: The Case of Iranian Non-English Majors (چکیده)
285 - Determining the Underlying Constructs of the English Language Teacher Prejudice Scale (چکیده)
286 - Construction and Validation of an English Language Teacher Creativity Scale (ELT-CS (چکیده)
287 - willingness to communicate in English among Iranian non-English major university students (چکیده)
288 - Narrative Intelligence and Learning Languages (چکیده)
289 - Insha’Allah (God’s Willing) and its Functions in Persian (چکیده)
290 - Life Syllabus: A New Research Agenda in English Language Teaching (چکیده)
291 - A Comparison Between Roles of Professors Teaching English Literature or TEFL at B.A Level and Professors Teaching TEFL at M.A Level (چکیده)
292 - Incidental Vocabulary Learning And Recall By Intermediate Foreign Language Students: The Influence Of Marginal Glosses, Dictionary Use, And Summary Writing (چکیده)
293 - Personality and Emotional Intelligence in Teacher Burnout (چکیده)
294 - Giving Directions: A Cross-cultural Comparison of L1 and L2 Strategies (چکیده)
295 - The Impact of Glossing on Incidental Vocabulary Learning: A Comparative Study (چکیده)
296 - A Contrastive Study of “Pro-form” Substitutions in English and Persian With Reference to Translation Practice (چکیده)
298 - L2 Motivation and Personality as Predictors of the Second Language Proficiency: Role of the Big Five Traits and L2 Motivational Self System (چکیده)
299 - Schema-Based Analysis of Gendered Self-Disclosure in Persian: Writing for Dating Context (چکیده)
300 - Investigating University Students’ Beliefs about Language Learning (چکیده)
301 - Acquisition of French Polysemous Vocabularies: Schema-based Instruction versus Translationbased Instruction (چکیده)
302 - Learners‟ Attributional Beliefs in Success or Failure and Their Performance on the Interchange Objective Placement Test (چکیده)
303 - Does Critical Thinking Enhance EFL Learners’ Receptive Skills (چکیده)
304 - culture and Identity Change Among Iranian EFL Teachers (چکیده)
305 - The Interaction of Lexical and Grammatical Aspects in English as a Foreign Language for Iranian Farsi Speaking Learners (چکیده)
306 - The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence And Literary Appreciation (چکیده)
307 - Investigation into the Roles of Iranian Professors Teaching TEFL: A Study Based on Goffman's Footing Theory (چکیده)
308 - The Relationship Between Cognitive Style of Impulsivity and Display, Referential, and Inferential Reading Comprehension Questions Among Iranian EFL University Students (چکیده)
309 - Enhancing Life Qualities in ELT Classes (چکیده)
310 - Professional Identity in Iran`s Higher Education: A Case of EFL Professors (چکیده)
311 - A Cross-Linguistic Study of Persuasive Strategies used in Persian and English Languages (چکیده)
312 - Qualitative Metaphor Analysis and Language Learning Opportunities (چکیده)
313 - The Construct Validation of a Questionnaire of Social and Cultural Capital (چکیده)
314 - Expressions of Gratitude: A Case of EFL Learners (چکیده)
315 - the effect of modes of discourse adn L1 on teh writing quality of Iranian advance EFL learners (چکیده)
316 - On the Relationship between Locus of Control and Iranian Students English Score in the University Enterance Exam (چکیده)
317 - IQ and Test Format: A Study into Test Fairness (چکیده)
318 - The Differing Effect of Computerized Dynamic Assessment of L2 Reading Comprehension on High and Low Achievers (چکیده)
320 - Iranian Gradudate Students`Conceptions Abouit English Language Teaching and Learning (چکیده)
321 - Learner Creativity in Accuracy, Complexity and Fluency in Written Narrative Tasks (چکیده)
323 - School Performance, Cultural, Social and Personality Factors and Their Relationships with Majoring in Foreign and First Languages (چکیده)
324 - Validation of the Persian Cultural Intelligence Scale and Exploring its relationship with Gender, Education, Travelling abroad and Place of Living (چکیده)
325 - Flow in translation: Exploring optimal experience for translation trainees (چکیده)
326 - Self-efficacy and self-regulation and their relationship: a study of (چکیده)
327 - the effect of motivational self-regulatory strategies on beneral English learners achievement adn their use of language learning strategies (چکیده)
328 - an introspective study of reading anxiety (چکیده)
329 - mediating processes of expert interpreting: a deliberate practice approach (چکیده)
330 - The Effect of Teachers’ Self-reflection on EFL Learners’ Writing Achievement (چکیده)
331 - Learner Creativity and Performance in Written Narrative Tasks (چکیده)
332 - The Effect of Grammatical Error Correction On the Development of Learning English Writing as a Foreign Language (چکیده)
333 - NLP and its Relationship with Teacher Success, Gender, Teaching Experience, and Degree: A Comparative Study (چکیده)
334 - Persuasive Strategies among Iranian EFL Learners (چکیده)
335 - Attributional Analysis of Language Learners at High Schools: A Case of Iranian Learners (چکیده)
336 - Emotional Intelligence and Self-Efficacy: A case of Iranian EFL University Students (چکیده)
337 - Parental Education and Social and Cultural Capital in Academic Achievement (چکیده)
338 - The Relationship Between Types Of Paragraphs And Topic Progression Used In Paragraphs Written By Iranian EFL Students (چکیده)
339 - A Chronotopic Analysis of Cover Letters in Persian and English (چکیده)
340 - The Effect of CALL Programs on Learning Grammatical Features by the Third-grade Iranian Junior High School Students (چکیده)
341 - The Effect of Narrative and Expository Modes of Discourse on Reading comprehension and Recall (چکیده)
342 - The Effect of Narrative and Expository Modes of Discourse on Reading comprehension and Recall (چکیده)
343 - Self-correction among Iranian EFL Learners: An Investigation into their Preferences for Corrective Feedback (چکیده)
344 - Examining Construct Validation of the English Language Teachers Competency Test (چکیده)
345 - An Application of a Questionnaire of Social and Cultural Capital to English Language Learning (چکیده)
346 - A Contrastive Study into the Realization of Suggestion Speech Act: Persain vs English (چکیده)
347 - Boosting Reading Skills, Narrative Intelligence & Moral Reasoning through Fictional Narrative-based Reading Instruction: A Comparative Study of Text Genres (چکیده)
348 - Gender Delineation in High school and Pre-university ELT Textbooks: A Criterion-oriented Approach to Text Analysis (چکیده)
349 - Delving into Speech Act of Suggestion: A Case of Iranian EFL Learners (چکیده)
350 - Locus of control, Religious Orientation, and L2 Achievement (چکیده)
351 - Factors Underlying the Social and Cultural Capitals of High School Students and Their Relationship with English Achievement (چکیده)
352 - The Relation between Paragraph Organization and the Topic Progression Used in English Paragrahs Selected from Native Books on Teaching Writing (چکیده)
353 - Attributional Patterns with Respect to Major and Attendance in Private Language Schools: A Case of EFL Context (چکیده)
354 - Predictive Validity of the English Language Teacher Competency Test (چکیده)
356 - Emotional Intelligence: Can It Be a Predictor of Performance on Different Test Formats? (چکیده)
357 - Metaphorical Analysis of Iranian MA University Students’ Beliefs: A Qualitative Study (چکیده)
358 - Factors Underlying Characteristics of Effective English Language Teachers: Validity and Sample Effect (چکیده)
359 - Social and Cultural Capital: Underlying Factors and Their Relationship with the School Achievement of Iranian University Students (چکیده)
360 - Group Work in EFL Children‟s Classes: A Qualitative Study (چکیده)
361 - Introducing Applied ELT as a New Paradigm (چکیده)
362 - The Effect of Form versus Meaning-Focused Tasks on the Development of Collocations among Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners (چکیده)
363 - Symmetrical or Asymmetrical Scaffolding: Piagetian vs. Vygotskyan Views to Reading Comprehension (چکیده)
364 - The Effectiveness of EFL Teachers’ Locus of Control and Self-reflection on EFL Teachers’ Success and their Learners’ Achievement: A Quantitative Meta-analysis (چکیده)
365 - A Qualitative Analysis of ELT in the Language Institutes of Iran in the Light of the Theory of ‘World Englishes’ (چکیده)
366 - On Validation of Concept Map as an Assessment Tool of L2 Reading Comprehension (چکیده)
367 - Speech Act of Correction: The Way Iranian EFL Learners Correct their Teachers L (چکیده)
368 - Social and Cultural Capital in Creativity (چکیده)
369 - An Analysis of the Realization of Politeness Markers in Official Letters: A Cross-cultural Study (چکیده)
370 - Brainstorming and Its Effect on Critical Thinking and Speaking Skills (چکیده)
371 - Construction and Validation of a Narrative Intelligence Scale with the Rasch Rating Scale Model (چکیده)
372 - Foreign language attributions and achievement in foreign language classes (چکیده)
373 - Historic’ or ‘Historical’: The Confusion Caused by Similar Lexical Forms and Its Relevance to Language Proficiency (چکیده)
374 - Learner Perfectionism and its Role in Foreign Language Learning Success, Academic Achievement, and Learner Anxiety (چکیده)
375 - An Examination of Developmental Dyslexia among Iranian EFL Second Graders (چکیده)
376 - The Discourse Function of Conjunctions in conveying the propositional meaning (چکیده)
377 - The Effect of Concept Mapping on EFL Speaking Fluency (چکیده)
378 - A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Hemingway s Cat in the Rain for The Iranian EFL Context (چکیده)
379 - The Effects of CALL Program on Expanding Lexical Knowledge of EFL Iranian Intermediate Learners (چکیده)
380 - Learners Self-efficacy in Reading and its relation to Foreign Language Reading Anxiety and Reading Achievement (چکیده)
381 - Domestication in Literary Translation: The English Translation of Hedayat’s Blind Owl (چکیده)
382 - Synformic- Interference and its Relevance to Learners Language Proficiency (چکیده)
383 - Invulnerability in Greek and Persian Mythology: A Comparative Study of Achilles and Esfandiar (چکیده)
384 - College EFL Students as Self-initiating Language Learners (چکیده)
385 - The Effectiveness of Incidental Teaching of Grammar to Iranian students (چکیده)
386 - The impact of comic strips as a pre-reading activity in enhancing reading comprehension and retention (چکیده)
387 - Implied Attitudes in The New York Times Reports on Political Issues Concerning Iran and Israel in 2007: A CDA Approach to Text (چکیده)
388 - A Process-oriented Evaluation of EFL Writing Tasks in FCE/CAE Preparation Courses versus IELTS/TOEFL Courses of Iran (چکیده)
389 - Foreign Language Learning and World EnglishesPhilosophy (چکیده)
390 - Writing through literature: A Novel Approach to EFL Writing Instruction (چکیده)
391 - Iranian TEFL graduates conception of measurement errorin research (چکیده)
392 - To Teach or not to teach: on the didactic aspect of accent training in EFL classroom (چکیده)
393 - Implied Attitudes in The New York Times Reports on Political Issues Concerning Iran and Israel in 2007: A CDA Approach to Text (چکیده)
394 - Manifestation of Self-lowering and Other-raising as Politeness Strategies in Persian Political Discourse And the Implications for TEFL (چکیده)
395 - EFL Learners as Visualizers in Reading and Recalling Literary Texts (چکیده)
396 - Domestication in Literary Translation: The (چکیده)
397 - The Wonder of Reading: The Effect of Generative Study Strategies on EFL Learners Reading Comprehension and Recall of Short Stories (چکیده)
398 - The Manifestation of ideology in a literary translation (چکیده)
399 - The Role of Visualization in EFL Learners Reading Comprehension and Recall of Short Stories (چکیده)
400 - Validation of an NLP Scale and its Relationship with Teacher Success in High Schools (چکیده)
401 - The Effect Of Summarization On Intermediate EFL Learners‟ Reading Comprehension And Their Performance On Display, Referential And Inferential Questions (چکیده)
402 - Dynamic Assessment: A Panacea for Students` Failures (چکیده)
403 - Designing a process-oriented evaluative checklist of EFL/ESL writing tasks: application on FCE and CAE exam preparation courses (چکیده)
404 - Literary Translation by Way of Roland Barthes (چکیده)
405 - Interpretation in Literary Translation (چکیده)
407 - Umberto Eco's The Name of The Rose: A Critique of Capitalism (چکیده)
408 - The Emerging Social Critic: The Plays of Theodore Dreiser (چکیده)
409 - The Relationship between Iranian EFL Teachers ` Multiple Intelligences and their Successful Teaching in Language Institutes (چکیده)
410 - A Galnce at The Ailing System of Teaching Translation in Some Iranian Universities (چکیده)
411 - The effect of keyword versus semantic mapping methods on vocabulary retention of Iranian intermediate EFL learners (چکیده)
412 - A Quantitative Analysis of the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Foreign Language Learning (چکیده)
413 - A New Method for Standard-setting Using the Rasch Model (چکیده)
414 - The Beliefs about Language Learning Inventory: Factorial Validity, Formal Education and the Academic Achievement of Iranian Students Majoring in English (چکیده)
415 - exploring anxiety in simultaneous interpreting (چکیده)
416 - The Relationship among Reading Comprehension Ability, Grammar and Vocabulary Knowledge: An Experimental and Schema-Based Approach (چکیده)
417 - The Impact of Visual and Verbal Intelligences-Based Teaching on the Vocabulary Retention and Written Production of Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners (چکیده)
418 - Formulaic Writing: A Novel Approach to Writing Instruction (چکیده)
419 - On the alleged relationship between LOC , L2 Reading comprehension , and use of language learning strategies (چکیده)
420 - Designing and validating Home Culture Attachment Questionnaire for students of foreign languages and its application (چکیده)
421 - On the transfer of culture-specific terms in dubbing: A case study (چکیده)
422 - Demographics of English Translation Program: A casee stuidy of IRanian undergraduates (چکیده)
423 - Learners evaluation of EFL writing tasks in Iran ESOL exam preparation courses (چکیده)
424 - The Analysis of ESP Textbooks in the Light of Halliday `s Systemic Functional Grammar (چکیده)
425 - Critical Translation Anthologies and the Case of Literary Translation in Iran (چکیده)
426 - A Young Learner`s Co-construction of L2 Literacy through ZPD-Activated Interactions While Watching Cartoons: A Case Study (چکیده)
427 - Dialogical Interaction in Formal and Informal Contexts: A Study in an EFL Situation (چکیده)
428 - the effect of ethnicity ( liguistic,/cultural characteristics ) on integrative tests (چکیده)
429 - Measuring Translation Ability and Achievement: A Schema-Based Approach (چکیده)
431 - Literature and Language: Discourse Analysis and the study of Literary Texts (چکیده)
432 - Examining Iranian EFL Learners and Teachers Beliefs about Teachers through metaphor analysis (چکیده)
433 - Examining Iranian Language Learner`s Perceptions of Langauge Education in Formal and Informal Contexts (چکیده)
434 - EQ and IQ and test format: A Study into test fairness (چکیده)
435 - The effects of the violation of local independence assumption on the person measures under the Rasch model (چکیده)
436 - The relationship between accent and deculturation among EFL learners in Iran (چکیده)
437 - English Language Teaching in Postmodern Era (چکیده)
438 - English Proficiency And Factors In Its Atainment:A Case Study Of Iranians In The United States (چکیده)
439 - The Effect of Narrative & Expository Modes of Discourse on the Reading Comprehension of Advanced Iranian (چکیده)
440 - Emotional and verbal intelligences in language learning (چکیده)
441 - Language and literature: Eugene O Neil s language, his characters and contribution in modern American drama (چکیده)
442 - The Gentle craft: short story, structural analysis and novel (چکیده)
443 - Metaphor Analysis of Teachers’ Beliefs and Conceptions of Language Teaching and Learning in Iranian High Schools and Language Institutes: A Qualitative Study (چکیده)
444 - Metaphor Analysis: A Qualitative Study of Iranian High School and Language Institute Learners’ Ideas and Beliefs in the Current and Ideal Situations of Teaching and Learning (چکیده)
445 - The Impacts of Teacher Self-disclosureon the Speaking Ability of EFL Learners (چکیده)
446 - Analysis of Academic Discourse: Insights for Teaching Grammar (چکیده)
447 - Analysis of Academic Discourse: Insights for teaching Grammar (چکیده)
448 - Feasibility of functional approach to EFL Teaching in Iran (چکیده)
449 - An Attribute-Treatment Interaction Study: Lexical set vs. Semantically-Unrelated Vocbulary Instruction (چکیده)
450 - On the Functional-Notional Approach to Teaching English to Iranian Students (چکیده)
451 - The Role of Islam in the Dialog of Civilizations (چکیده)
452 - the role of bilingual and monolingual dictionaries on accuracy in translation (چکیده)
453 - The impact of colocational instrucion on the writing skill of Iranian EFL learners (چکیده)
454 - The Impact of Collocational Teaching on the Vocabulary Retention and Written Production of Iranian EFL Learners (چکیده)
456 - Schema-based Cloze Multiple Choice Item Tests: Measures of Reduced Redundancy and Language Proficiency (چکیده)
457 - C-Tests: Method Specific Measures of Language Proficiency (چکیده)
458 - Objective-based achievement testing in the context of schema theory (چکیده)
459 - Schema-based textual analysis of domain-controlled authentic texts (چکیده)
460 - Cultural literacy in language learning: Enrichment or derichment (چکیده)
461 - Bacon s New Atlantis: The Emergence of a Scientific Discourse (چکیده)
462 - Attitudes towards the Mashhadi... (چکیده)
463 - Language and Literature: Discourse Analysis and the study of Literary Texts (چکیده)
464 - Ideology, language and power… (چکیده)
465 - Victorian Literature and Science: A mutual Interdependence or Confrontation (چکیده)
466 - On Validation of Concept Map as an Assessment (چکیده)
467 - Effective Methods nd Techniques in teaching speaking ang listening in EFL and ESL classes (چکیده)
468 - The Construct Validation and Application of a Questionnaire of (چکیده)
469 - The interplay between explicit and implicit knowledge (چکیده)
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30 جستجوی اخیر